Data Services
Creating good, location based EH data
A strong foundation
The EH data you maintain, from paper or scanned onsite system permits to existing permitting and food program databases, may require updates or enhancements to get the most out of it. Our data services are designed to provide the data support you need, when you need it, bridging gaps and creating a strong foundation of good, location based data that maximizes opportunities for using your data in FetchEH.
Core Capabilities
Services designed for every aspect of enhancing EH data and expanding opportunities to make it work for you. See how we can help unlock the potential of your data.

Site Plan Conversion
Convert paper and scanned permits into a format where they are mapped, accessible and can be used to understand more about onsite system inventories. Our data services team maps each permit and corresponding site plan where possible, and enters information about the system. The result is a comprehensive, location based inventory of onsite wastewater and well water systems. So whether it is a watershed, lake association, county or larger region, let us help you get your inventory mapped.
Create a digital onsite wastewater system inventory
Integrate location as a core element of your data
Make scanned permits, documents and images available in one location
Improve access to onsite system information by stakeholders and the public
Use your data to support the work you do and understand more about onsite systems in your community

Permitting/Food Program Conversion
Import existing Permitting and Food Program databases to transition to a location based, data driven approach to your EH Software. Using industry leading database technologies, our team will work hard to make sure your data is represented in FetchEH the way you want it. Best of all, our process includes building location aware data, which means we literally put points on the map for you, with each one representing an onsite system or food establishment.
Transition to a location based system for managing EH data and programs
Gain a new perspective by building location aware food program data
Improve access to EH data internally and by the public
Increase the return on the data you have already invested in creating and maintaining