EH Bellman
Location, data and EH. A better way forward.
EH Bellman - July.13.2023
Hybrid Users
Many Health Departments are looking for opportunities to become more efficient and reduce paperwork. One workflow that often relies on paper and results in duplicative efforts is receiving pumping records and other service records from private contractors. For these events, a contractor will perform a service event, like pumping a tank, providing service on a system, or conducting a routine O&M inspection and filling in a paper form with the results. The paper form is ultimately submitted to the Health Department as paper, or as a scanned document where it is filed away or re-entered as a digital record.
These workflows are common where Operation and Maintenance (O&M) permits are required, or where Point of Sale/Time of Transfer inspections occur. In either workflow, paper forms can quickly pile up at the Health Department waiting to be entered into a digital system, or to be filed away where they have limited value. The use of paper and re-entering information is also highly inefficient, and often results in a time lag where the paper pumping or service record is not entered into in the digital system in a timely manner. This can lead to numerous issues, including a homeowner meeting an O&M requirement but still receiving a letter for non-compliance because the pumping or service event has not been re-entered into the Health Department's tracking software.
Enter the Hyrbrid User
To resolve these problems FetchEH provides a specialized Hybrid User. The Hybrid User is granted access to only edit specific information, which means they can fill in a digital form, such as a pumping record or service record and save the record directly in FetchEH. The digital record is available as soon as it is saved, so there is minimum time lag for the new information to become accessible to the Health Department, homeowners, and contractors. Best of all, no more paper or scanned documents that need to be re-entered by Health Department staff.
The Hybrid User is granted editing privileges for very specific information, but there are also additional controls to limit what can be edited and when a record is locked from editing. The first additional control restricts a Hybrid User to only editing information they create, so they are unable to edit information from other contractors or internal users. Another control restricts how much time a Hybrid User is given to edit information they create, which by default is 24 hours, but can be set to longer durations. Both controls are set and managed by the Health Department.

Hybrid User Overview
Limiting duplication and reducing the use of paper is a key aspect of becoming more efficient. FetchEH’s Hybrid User can help reduce information backlogs, improve the timeliness of information, and cut back on the use of paper forms. To learn more about the Hybrid User and other tools in FetchEH that improve efficiency, get in touch.
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