Onsite Wastewater
Permitting with tools that unlock your data
Grow your investment
From the initial permit issuance to site planning, inspections and future operations and maintenance, the data you invest in creating has value beyond a single database record or paper file. FetchEH helps you use your investment in onsite system data to work more efficiently, improve access to information and to gain new insights about your community.

New approach, more opportunity
Using the data you manage in combination with location, creates new opportunities for understanding onsite systems, which in turn can provide better management strategies that benefit public health and protect water quality.
Issue permits, track status and inspections through the final approval.
Develop detailed, to scale site plans that put the system on the map where it is actually located on the property.
Explore and interact with septic systems on the map to access system information, scanned documents and more.
Enable public access to help citizens, contractors, Realtors and more see what is in the ground.
Create reports and visualizations, ask questions about your data and identify potential problem areas.
Track operations and maintenance events, including pumping records, time of transfer and operations inspections.
Core Capabilities
Permitting with a focus on using your data and location to do more, improve access and see results

Design permitting workflows to meet your needs using custom forms, or start with our default permit forms. Go from application and land evaluations to permit issuance, site plan mapping and each iteration of inspections. At every step along the way, you collect information that is relevant to your workflows. Once the system is in the ground, move to tracking operations and maintenance to build a complete history of each system.

Operations & Maintenance
Create a complete history of operations inspections, operating permits, time of transfer inspections, pumping records and other maintenance events. Operations & maintenance data is collected and managed with the onsite system records, making it a useful addition to seeing the complete picture of the system for home owners and regulators alike.

Form Designer
Create forms that match your onsite wastewater permitting workflows, operations and maintenance workflows and data needs. Easy to use drag and drop design to arrange fields, add title and sub-title, modify font size and more. Add editable text to create dynamic stipulations that can be modified, set required fields and assign default values, you are in control of the design process.

Discover, understand and visualize the onsite wastewater system information you collect using filters, reporting and map visualizations. Build and save filters and reports to answer questions and learn more about your inventory. See the results on a map to understand where, target areas of interest and communicate visually.
Call Us
Call Dave or Ken to learn more about FetchEH
David Nichol 989.944.5188
Ken Curry 989.400.8702